Kitchen Design Trends for the Millennial Flatshare

Flat-sharing, something that millennials are not unfamiliar with, has seen an upward trend in recent times. Indeed, it is quite a norm nowadays to see two or more people live in the same property together. As its name suggests, a flatshare refers to a shared accommodation with rooms to rent. Everyone will have their own bedroom […]

Retro Design for the Singaporean Kitchen

Retro style may seem outdated on a cultural perspective. However, a well done retro kitchen can turn any modern home into a cozy and welcoming space, where family and guests will always feel welcome to join you for a cup of coffee or a home-cooked meal. A retro kitchen is funky and charming. It maintains a playful personality that is non-replicable, […]

Scandinavian Design for the Singaporean Kitchen

Scandinavian design is one of the most popular interior styles in Singapore today. Featuring maximum style with maximum space, many Singaporean homeowners are going after the stylish, elegant and simple style Scandinavian design has to offer. Its simplicity, minimalism, and functionality, along with its brilliant use of natural materials are the main reasons why people […]

Why The Kitchen Is Important in Your Home?

Have you ever wondered why the kitchen is important in your home? Some people do not quite understand that. Instead, they put more emphasis into the living room because it is, more often than not, the core representation of a home’s image. Well, this blog is about to subvert that outdated mindset of yours. We WANT […]